Salon COMPARAISONS – 14 > 20 february 2022 – Grand Palais Ephémère PARIS


International contemporary art fair
From February 14 to 20, 2022
Opening by invitation on February 15, 2022

Clothilde Lasserre is one of the artists invited by the painter Jörg Hermle, head of the “Expressionism” group at the Salon Comparaisons ART CAPITAL in Paris.

The artist will present one of his latest works, “Vers l’espoir”, oil on canvas 100/100 cm, created especially for this major artistic event in France and internationally.

For 5 days, the ART CAPITAL fair is an event that brings together around 40,000 visitors under the most prestigious roof in Paris, the nave of Henri Deglane’s Grand Palais, around works of contemporary art exhibited by 2,500 artists from whole world.
This year due to the works, The Grand Palais Éphémère, a temporary building of 10,000 m2, supported by the Réunion des musées nationaux – Grand Palais and Paris 2024, will move to the Champ-de-Mars at the beginning of 2021. and until the end of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. It was inaugurated on June 12, 2021 and designed by the agency Wilmotte & Associés and produced by the company GL events. Installed on the Joffre plateau of the Champ-de-Mars, the Ephemeral Grand Palais, a real architectural feat, is part of the history of this site, reactivating the place it held during the great Universal Exhibitions of the 19th and early of the XXth century. The architectural feature of the curved double-vault frame gives the building a typology on the scale of the Champ-de-Mars and fits perfectly into this prestigious site. After several months of assembly, the Grand Palais Éphémère is now finished and finally ready to welcome you!

A little history :

Art Capital was born in 2006 from the desire of the so-called “historical salons of the Grand Palais” and of artists from diverse backgrounds to play on their differences, to join forces to create a unifying and new event within the framework of the historical return of these salons at the Grand Palais. The five historical salons of Paris are united under the name of Art Capital: Les Artistes Français, Les Artistes Indépendants, Comparaisons, Drawing and Water-based Painting and the Nationale des Beaux-Arts.
clothilde lasserre salon comparaisons grand palais ephemere

Le Grand Palais Éphémère – Wilmotte & associés architectes
Champs de mars, Paris.
Photographie @Patrick Tourneboeuf/RMN_GP/Tendance Floue

Editorial by the President of the Salon Comparaisons

To turn its back on an intolerance contrary to what art should be, Comparaisons, from its first edition, was organized according to trends, each of them being presented within a group. And the confrontation became serene, fraternal even.
Today, faithful to these principles, Comparaisons has 28 groups corresponding to as many sensibilities or trends in contemporary art, and the public appreciates that they are thus confronted with styles, approaches or techniques. If we draw up a non-exhaustive list of artists who exhibited at the Comparaisons fair, we see that only a few of them were known when they exhibited their works. But all of them have contributed – sometimes in a major way – to the notoriety of the Salon. Today they are famous, admired, and their works sought after by collectors. They hold a special place in our emotional universe. André Lhote, Antonio Tapies, Poliakoff, Matta, Arman, Yves Klein, Vieira Da Silva, Alechinsky, Lindström, François Morellet, Utrillo, Vlaminck, Chaissac, Raysse, René Magritte, Jean Messagier, Mimmo Rotella, Man Ray, Picasso, Salvador Dali , Antoni Clavé, Van Dongen, Christo, André Masson, Bernard Buffet, Olivier Debré César, Villeglé Niki de Saint-Phalle, Atlan, Hains, Lanskoy, Klasen… Today, the Salon Comparaisons is faithful to this prestigious past. These references serve as a spur to the committee, in the choice of artists to invite and sensitivities to highlight.
Paul Alexis, Président du salon Comparaisons.

Art Capital – Salon Comparaisons 2022

Grand Palais Ephémère

Av. Pierre Loti, 75007 Paris – France

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