artistes pour l espoir 2023 sculpture lasserre

Artistes pour l’espoir – CHANTONNAY – 30 oct > 11 nov 2021

Artistes pour l'espoir 2019 Chatonnay



For many years now, the annual Artists for Hope exhibition in Chantonnay has become an unmissable artistic event in Vendée and Pays-de-la-Loire.

Each fall we bring together many artists, with various sensibilities, around a humanitarian cause.

The painters and sculptors present at the exhibition are offering their works at a specific price to encourage buyers to make a donation to one of the associations supported.

For this 2021 artistic and solidarity edition, the Artists for Hope Chantonnay association is supporting the most disadvantaged by inviting the Restos du Cœur and Secours Catholique.

Artistes pour l'Espoir
Retrouvailles 81 100 2020 Clothilde Lasserre ©adagp