Salon UNIcréa – Suisse – oct 3 > 6, 2024



Find my latest Creations at the 

UNIcréa Show

The unmissable event for lovers of Art and Creation for 19 years in Switzerland

Castle of Coppet
October 3 to 6, 2024

The “Salon UNIcréa” is an Artistic,
Human & UNIque Exhibition
(the visitors said it!)

Salon UNIcréa suisse 2024 clothilde Lasserre
  • 100 selected ART FASHION DECO Artists: visual artists,
    stylists, photographers, jewellers, glassmakers, modistes,sculptors, cabinetmakers, ceramists, designers, painters …
  • 1 prestigious setting: the Château de Coppet.
An interlude that will do you good for you!
  •  Fashion shows, artistic performances, demonstrations,creative workshops, UNIcréa-certified free hugs …
  • After your visit of the exhibition, enjoy a “Soirée au Château” with music, food and UNIcréa atmosphere
Echo du temps" en porcelaine (H:15 cm L:14cm et l:12 cm) clothilde lasserre porcelaine 2024 copyright adagp